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DataGauss XL | DataGauss XL-LG Degausser
Degauss Hard Drives and Backup Tape Degausser
DataGauss XL-LG (Erasure Log System) giving hard copy evidence
of complete erasure for reporting and auditing purposes.
The DataGauss XL has an large degaussing chamber for standard & extra - large hard drive and backup tapes.

The DataGauss XL LG comes with the Data Destruction Auditor solution which allows you to document and verify their hard drive erasure and create reports that confirm complete and secure erasure.
Price US$4,709.00

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Transport Case:
Transport case - DataGauss XL [Add US$899.00]

Optional Barcode Scanner [Add US$156.00]


DataGauss XL Degausser

Extra large degaussing chamber

The DataGauss XL is a powerful compact continuous DataGauss hard drive degausser with an extra-large degaussing chamber capable of accommodating both standard and extra-large (full height) Hard Disk Drives and Backup Tapes. The DataGauss XL benefits from state-of-the-art pulse technology and a fast and powerful continuous operation, yet it is compact and simple to operate. Media that can be erased includes Hard Drives that use Perpendicular and Longitudinal recording techniques up to 5000 Oersted’s and all common backup tapes.

Simple Operation

Operators slide the catch and the lid lifts up automatically. Place the media into the media compartment and close the lid. The erase cycle is started by pressing the ‘erase’ button on the control panel which activates the charging of the powerful degaussing magnetic field. When the display says the degauss cycle is complete the lid can be opened and the media removed. The entire process takes just 45 seconds. Throughout the whole erase cycle the on board processor monitors the erase procedure ensuring that it is completed correctly. The operator is immediately alerted to any interruptions in the cycle by messages on the LCD control panel.

At all times through the cycle the safety interlocks ensure operators cannot put fingers, clothing etc in the crushing area whilst the moving parts are energized.

Safe, Secure and Compliant

With safety in mind and to meet the latest ICNIRP Magnetic Exposure Guidelines, the DataGauss XL field discharge duration is less than a second and the magnetic field is designed to be concentrated inside the chamber. The DataGauss XL is designed to help you comply with the following Government Mandates that require destruction of sensitive information stored on Hard Drives and Tapes before their disposal.

  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
  • NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) Guidelines for Media Sanitization
  • NIST SP 800-36
  • NIST SP 800-88
  • HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act)
  • PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)
  • GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Billey Act)
  • California Senate SB-1386
  • IRS-1075
  • CJIS

DataGauss XL-LG - Extra large degaussing chamber with unique Erasure Log Software

The DataGauss XL-LG features unique Erasure Log System which provides a reporting tool and a record of media degaussed.

It can be used stand alone or, if connected to a PC or laptop via USB cable, can be used in conjunction with the Erasure Log Software. This will log all the information related to the erasure and provide a printed report if required. The information logged includes details of the: processing company (including the operator and supervisor); media owner; degausser machine type; serial number, part number and size of the Hard Drive or Tape. Information is entered onto the software via keyboard or optional barcode scanner to speed up the data entry if required.

When the logging program has been opened on the PC and the DataGauss XL-LG is connected, the operator simply clicks on the "Find Machine" button for all the unit details to be automatically entered into the log including model, serial number and firmware version. The DataGauss XL-LG display will show it is in remote mode controlled by the PC.

Further data regarding operator, customer and media is then entered via keyboard (or optional barcode scanner) before the Hard Drive or Tape is placed into the degausser and the lid closed. The erasure is commenced by clicking the "Destroy" button on the screen which activates the charging of the powerful degaussing magnetic field.

A window opens on the screen showing the progress of the degaussing cycle. When the display shows the degauss cycle is complete the lid can be opened and the media removed. The entire process takes just 45 seconds. Throughout the whole erase cycle the on-board processor monitors the erase procedure ensuring that it is completed correctly. The operator is immediately alerted to any interruptions in the cycle by messages on the screen.

The lower portion of the screen now shows all the details of the erasure including Date, Time, Media Serial number, Capacitor Voltage, Magnetic Gauss Field and confirmation that the media was degaussed successfully.

If this data is highlighted and the print button pressed all the details on the screen along with all the data entered will be printed as a report. As new media is erased the details will be added to the Media Processed Log in the lower half of the screen. By highlighting erase records, the logs of one or more can be printed as required.

There is a Supervisor Section in the Software which is Password protected. This allows the Supervisor to decide which fields are required and which fields must be completed by the Operator. The log record is stored in the PC and can be archived at any time or exported as a .csv file.

Erasure Log Manager Features

  • Log software printable reports show:
    • Processing Company
    • Degausser Model & Serial No
    • Media owner Operator / Supervisor Name
    • Media information
    • Degaussing information

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